Global Scholars 2008 - 2009
The Center for Innovation and Change at the University of Evansville announced that the following individuals were selected as 2008-2009 University of Evansville Global Scholars.
Each Global Scholar will receive a stipend and travel allowance. As Global Scholars, the recipients of this award will engage in scholarship, curriculum development, and activities related to preparing our students and community for global leadership, citizenry, and success. The Global Scholars program is supported by the John H. Schroeder Global Scholar Endowed Fund and the Lilly Endowment.
Suzanne L. Bailey, Associate Professor of Nursing

Professor Bailey will work on a project related to Transcultural Alternative Healing Practices. The purpose of this project is to help nursing faculty and students develop a global view of alternative healing practices used in various cultures to enhance wellness. As a Global Scholar, Professor Bailey will visit and learn from practitioners at a university wellness center that practices integrative medicine including traditional allopathic medicine as well as complementary and alternative holistic approaches. The global scholar will also examine current research on alternative healing and will assist with the integration of content into the nursing curriculum.
William Hemminger, Professor of English

Dr. Hemminger will travel to Cameroon and Senegal as a Global Scholar to conduct research related to both teaching and scholarship. He will visit sites in these African nations for a projected book on community and spirituality. He will also research Senegalese writers such as Leopold Senghor and Birago Dip, whose works he regularly teaches in world literature and francophone literature classes, and consult with a Cameroonian university professor on her study of African literature. He may also help distribute computers to village schools in Senegal under the auspices of Wings for Africa, a non-profit organization, and will lay the groundwork for future service-learning student projects and campus talks when he returns.
Roger Pieroni, Associate Professor of French

Dr. Pieroni will focus on Asia during his time as a Global Scholar, conducting research related to both curriculum development and scholarship. In his role as chair of the Department of Foreign Languages, he will explore the possibility of creating an Asian Studies Program, which would complement UE's current program in Japanese Studies and expand our global profile. He will also conduct research on francophone Vietnamese novels with the goals of producing a scholarly paper or monograph, enhancing his literature and civilization classes, and providing programming for the Global Living and Learning Center on campus.
James Schaefer, Professor of Business Administration

Dr. Schaefer will examine the global nature of accounting standards. Specifically, over half of the countries in the world use International Accounting Standards (IAS) as a framework for external financial reporting. In the United States, we use Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which are promulgated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). European Union countries use IAS. In recognition of today's global economy, the FASB has developed the Convergence Project. The purpose of convergence is, where possible, to align GAAP with IAS. Dr. Schaefer's work will examine the integration of these new approaches to standard setting into our accounting curriculum to ensure students have formal training in IAS as well as GAAP.
Douglas Stamps, Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Stamps is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and an UE alumnus. Dr. Stamps' research project involves nuclear reactor power plant safety, which has both global and domestic interest. His Global Scholar research will focus on combustion-related severe accidents. The proposed work includes seeking collaboration with faculty at the University of Pisa, Italy on combustion research and the use of chemical kinetics software to analyze pressure loads induced from the partial combustion of fuel-air mixtures and on laminar flame velocities for diffusion flame stability.
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