Prevention Programs
Project ID
A crime prevention program we offer is Project ID, where students can check out an engraver to mark their valuables with and identifying number as well as an inventory sheet to record serial numbers and descriptions of those items.
Bike Registration
The ever increasing problem of bicycle theft prompted the development of a bike registration program where students can fill out an online form with the serial number and description of their bikes. This is not a prevention technique but it may assist in the recovery of your bike if it is stolen. For tips on preventing bike theft check out the Safety Tips page.
Safety Surveys
The Office of Public Safety conducts annual surveys of the campus properties to identify safety and security related problems in academic facilities, residential facilities, and surrounding grounds. These surveys are split into various areas:
Lighting & Vegetation: A thorough walk through of the grounds are conducted both in the day and nighttime to identify problems such as:
- Poor lighting along areas of pedestrian foot traffic.
- Poor exterior lighting of buildings including entryways.
- Damaged or uneven sidewalks or benches.
- Overgrown trees and shrubs that provide possible hiding spots or obstructed view.
- Tree limbs that hang too low over walkways.
Academic Facilities: A thorough walk through of the facilities are conducted to identify problems such as:
- Broken locking mechanisms on doors and windows
- Fire equipment not in place or in working order.
- Emergency lighting and Exit lighting not in good working order.
- Broken glass on windows and doors.
- Loose handrails in stairwells or outer steps.
Residential Facilities: a walk through of both Resident Halls and Off-campus Housing is conducted to identify problems such as:
- Broken locking mechanisms on doors and widows.
- Windows painted shut or glass broken.
- Exterior doors not having chains, deadbolts, or pick-plates.
- Windows on or near doors giving access to locking devices from outside.
- Smoke detectors not present or not in working condition.
- CO monitors not present or not in working condition.
- Fire extinguisher not present or not in working condition.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
First floor, General Services Building